Our flower subscriptions

A Bulb to Bunch flower bouquet

We offer a limited number of flower subscriptions each year. If you’ve ever wondered what they are and how they work, read on.

Regular deliveries of beautiful flowers at a discount

When you order a flower subscription, you get delivery of a beautiful bouquet of locally-grown flowers, once a week for four weeks, to your door – or the door of someone you gift them to. And the cost is a lot lower than if you bought the same number of one-off bouquets.

A warpped bouquet from Bulb to Bunch flower farm in Tidworth

Support for a local business

Flower subscriptions are sometimes called CSAs, especially in America. This stands for Community Supported Agriculture which neatly captures the ethos. Local people supporting their local businesses.

When you buy a flower subscription, you commit up front, ideally in the winter, to buy bouquets over a certain number of weeks. By purchasing early, you help us get a better idea of how much we need to grow, give us much needed cash flow in the off season and security of sales, and help us avoid waste.

The freshest blooms

To make sure your subscription flowers are as fresh as possible, we pick them in the morning or evening, condition them overnight, arrange them into your bouquet the following morning and deliver them that day. This ensures you get the very best and freshest blooms in your hands within hours of picking.  This then gives you the longest vase life in your home.

This is compared to flowers from the supermarket, that may be a week old or more by the time they have travelled to you from overseas.

A different bouquet every week

The variety of flowers we have depends on the time of the year so the flowers you get will change from week to week. The season starts in May with tulips and ranunculus. Dahlias, zinnias and a whole host of other summer flowers then follow, right through until the end of October. And we always ensure our flower subscribers get the very best blooms.

Tulips from Bulb to Bunch flower farm and florist

Supporting sustainability

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we do not use plastic wrapping. All our bouquets are wrapped in recyclable and compostable paper, and tied with jute string that is also compostable.

A treat for you or your team, and the perfect gift

Our subscriptions make for a unique gift. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, a birthday, in fact, anytime you feel like brightening someone’s day.

They are also great for businesses that want to brighten up their offices, reception or waiting areas.

Our subscriptions

We currently offer the following subscriptions. And you can, of course, buy more than one. 

  • Late spring – A bouquet every week for four weeks from week starting 13 May and finishing week of 3 June.

  • Early summer - A bouquet every week for four weeks from week starting 10 June and finishing week of 1 July.

  • Mid summer - A bouquet every week for four weeks from week starting 29 July and finishing week of 19 August.

  • Late summer - A bouquet every week for four weeks from week starting 26 Aug and finishing week of 16 September.

We deliver our subscription bouquets within 15 miles of Tidworth and to Romsey. If you are unsure what areas this covers, please see https://www.bulbtobunch.com/delivery-information or get in touch to confirm.

To order, please go to: https://www.bulbtobunch.com/shop/p/flower-subscriptions.

If you don’t live in or around Tidworth, please go to the Flower From The Farm website to search for and find a flower farmer offers subscriptions local to you.


Tripling the size of our flower farm